On the 26th of June 2022, our second MONOSTAR kick-off meeting was held in Montréal ahead of the AmeriDendro conference.
The MONOSTAR meeting itself gave us the chance to finally meet many of our collaborators in person for the first time, some of which would join us on fieldtrips to various regions of North America subsequent to the conference.

After we had given short presentations on the progress of field campaigns and lab work as well as further aspects and goals of the project three of our US-American and Canadian collaborators introduced us to concepts that will be useful in the later stages of the project. Karen Heeter (Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University) presented some details about the North American network of Blue Intensity, a tree-ring parameter which is also being used as part of the MONOSTAR project. Kevin Anchukaitis (University of Arizona) and Fabio Gennaretti (Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue) provided us with insights into modeling strategies that are being applied in Dendroclimatology and might be suitable for the purpose of MONOSTAR.
Aside from all the professional exchange there was also enough time to enjoy some hot drinks and pastries together in a friendly atmosphere.
We would like to thank once again all participants for their ideas, comments, and general support!