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Kick-off meeting in Erlangen, Germany

Updated: Jan 9, 2023

After many hurdles we have finally had our first kick-off meeting for MONOSTAR. Originally we had wanted to invite everyone to come to Mainz but with Corona among many other factors we decided to hold separate meetings using both the TRACE and the AmeriDendro conference where many of our collaborators will be present already. As the project has already been runnig for a year we were able to not only present the aims and strategy of the project but also about the project progress so far. Ahead of the TRACE conference in Erlangen we hosted a small gathering with subsequent dinner and had small presentations covering all aspects of the project. One focus was on the fieldwork which has been completed so far, mostly in Europe and Russia (check our map for more info).

We also had presentations on the many fieldworks campaigns we are organising in both the US and Canada as well as what we are planning in Europe and were happy to hear ideas and

suggestions from everyone present to optimize our time in the field. A second focus was on our sampling scheme which has been tested over the past year at five sites in Russia and 10 sites throughout Europe. There were many good additions and adjustments to the existing scheme which we have now incorporated into our sampling instructions and hope will streamline the sampling and the subsequent analysis.

All in all it was a great time in Erlangen and we are excited for our next kick-off meeting ahead of the AmeriDendro conference in Montreal, Canada this June!

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